Wednesday, November 28, 2007

When Chris Missses Class

When Chris misses class my head swells a little;
my throat gets tight and breathing becomes





When Chris misses class I feel a headache coming on.
I start to get sweaty and my limbs are not themselves.
When Chris misses class nothing gets done,
my work is not special,
and no one pays attention,
When Chris misses class.

When Chris misses class I need a sedative
or coffee that isn't mine.
When Chris misses class I like people less.
I squint my eyes and and cross my arms
when Chris misses class.

When Chris misses class I wish I had too.


Ryan Miller said...

So, what happens when I miss class?

Josie said...

Wait. You're in my class?

Chris Kato. said... sorry josie :(

KateyRobinson said...

I think that we all die a little inside when Chris misses class...