Thursday, October 18, 2007


Today is a day for apathy.
A day for emotion to rise up from the barracks
and evaporate into thick air.
In billowing, black music notes
it rises up, up, up.
Disappearing into light and dust.
Straining to see where it might have went,
you focus on a speck.
Blinking, swallowing, blinking,
until you realize it's really gone.

Now what to do?

Go back to the beginning.
To the sunrise and dew of spring mornings.
Eyes peeling open and legs
stretching out forever against a flannel canvas.
Deep sighs and ripe fruit on a clean plate.
Wake up.
The soles of your feet should meet the earth
and become callous.
Climbing trees has never seemed so right.
In breathing deeply we are whole again.

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